
Safeguarding Policy

At GAMS International School, we are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children under our care. We believe that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility, and we aim to create a culture of vigilance and awareness amongst all staff and stakeholders.

This safeguarding policy outlines our approach to ensuring the safety and protection of children
attending our school. The policy also applies to all activities (whether in-person or virtual) involving
contact with children and adults within the school community who may be as at risk and aims to
provide some level of protection for such persons. This policy seeks to protect students against, but not limited to


This includes unwanted sexual advances, comments, gestures, or other behaviors of a sexual nature that create a hostile or uncomfortable environment for the victim.


This includes unwanted sexual activity or behaviour imposed on a minor or person without their consent, such as rape, molestation, fondling, forced penetration, exhibitionism, voyeurism, or exposing them to pornography. (Minor – any person below the age of 18).


This refers to the mistreatment, harm, or neglect of a child, typically by a parent, caregiver, or another person responsible for the child's wellbeing. It involves actions or lack of action that result in actual or potential harm to a child's physical, emotional, or mental wellbeing.


This refers to the act of manipulating, coercing, or exploiting individuals, particularly vulnerable individuals, for criminal purposes. It involves using someone for personal gain, often involving illegal activities, and can take various forms. This includes human (child) trafficking, child labour, and grooming of children for terrorism and sexual purposes.


This refers to repeated aggressive behavior, which involves intentionally harming, intimidating, or harassing others, either physically, verbally, or emotionally. It includes physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, and cyberbullying.


This involves a failure to fulfill a duty of care toward students or take reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable risks or hazards that could reasonably be expected to cause harm to any member of the school community. It includes inadequate supervision, unsafe classroom or premises, inadequate response to medical emergencies, and failure to address bullying or harassment among others.


This refers to the unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on certain characteristics or attributes. It involves treating someone less favourably or denying them equal opportunities, rights, or privileges based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic.