
Parents Policy

At GAMS International School, we recognize the vital role that parents and families play in a child's education, and we consider them essential partners in the educational journey of their children. Our commitment to building a strong partnership with parents is centred on open and transparent communication, which we believe is crucial for fostering a collaborative learning community. We operate an 'open door' policy for parents. We encourage and welcome their active involvement in their children’s education.

SECTION 1: When we use the term 'PARENT' we include:

Anyone with parental responsibility for a student, such as biological parents, adoptive parents, or legal guardians.


Anyone caring for a child, such as grandparents or childminders, etc.


Anyone representing the parent of a child, i.e., individuals who may be acting on behalf of the parents, such as authorized representatives or legal advocates.

SECTION 2: Parents are Expected to:

Respect the vision, philosophy, and values of our school.


Collaborate and work together with the staff (teaching and non-teaching) in the best interests of our students.


Treat all members of the school community with respect; setting a good example with their speech and general conduct.


Seek a peaceful and reasonable solution to all issues.


Seek to clarify a child's version of events with the school's view to achieve a peaceful resolution to any issue.


Correct their own child's behaviour, particularly in public, where it could lead to conflict, aggression, or unsafe conduct.


Approach the correct member of school staff to help resolve any issues of concern, and follow up if an appropriate response has not been received.


Participate in termly Parent-Teacher Conferences to discuss their children's academic progress and development with their teachers.


Please ensure you drop off your children at school on time (7:30 am) and pick them up on time (4:00 pm). Consistent lateness shall incur a fee or fine.

SECTION 3: Parents are NOT Expected to:

Disrupt or threaten to disrupt school operations or events.


Display any aggressive behaviour, swear, or use offensive language in and around the school premises, or at any school event.


Abuse or threaten to harm any member of school staff, Board members, visitor, fellow parent, or students, regardless of whether or not the behaviour constitutes a criminal offence. Please report to the appropriate authority.


Damage or destroy school property.


Post defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments about the school, its staff, or any member of its community on social media and other platforms without first engaging the school on the issue at hand.


Possess or take drugs, smoke, or drink alcohol in and around the school premises or at school events.


To record meetings or telephone calls with staff, other parents, or students on any matter concerning the school without the explicit prior permission of all involved, and in agreement with the school’s administration, i.e. the Director.

SECTION 4: If the school suspects or becomes aware that a parent has breached the code of conduct, the school will gather information from those involved and take an appropriate action. Depending on the nature of the incident, the school may then:

Invite the parent(s) to the school to meet the Principal/Director.


Send a warning letter to the parent(s).


Contact the appropriate authorities (in cases of criminal behaviour).


Seek legal advice regarding further action (in cases of conduct that may be libellous or slanderous).


Ban the parent(s) from the school


Please note that the final decision on how to respond to breaches of the code of conduct rests with the Director of the School, in consultation with the School’s Board and Administration, in order to promote careful consideration through multiple perspectives and thoughtful decision-making to ensure fairness and promote a sense of justice within the school community.